Reduce plastic waste in rivers
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Revision as of 07:03, 12 September 2024 by Kadek wulan ari antini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title ban=Ngirangin sampah plastik ring tukad |Title id=Mengurangi sampah plastik di sungai |Title en=Reduce plastic waste in rivers |Response ban=Nenten n...")
This is a Response to the Sampah Upacara wikithon
Nenten ngentungang sampah tukad santukan pacang ngawinang ulam padem miwah toyan tukad dados cemer
Tidak membuang sampah disungai karena akan menimbulkan ikan-ikan mati dan air sungai menjadi sangat kotor
Don't throw garbage in the river because it will cause fish to die and the river water to become very dirty
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- high
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- Under 16
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Kadek wulan ari antini
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