This area is monitored by God, let's preserve the temple

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This is a Response to the Sampah di Pura wikithon


Suba ke ragane ngupapira kebersihan lan kelestarian pura?

tiang ngelah tatacare ngupapira kebersihan lan kelestarian pura. Tata cara titiang sapuniki i raga sapatutne nenten dados ngawag ngentungang luu plastik miwah sane lianan apa buin di tempat suci/ pura. Ada makudang-kudang solusi inggih asapunika miwah : 1. Tersediane tong sampah disetiap sudut pura.

 2.kawentenan awig awig         nenten dados makta tas plastik ke pura.
3.kawentenan denda 10rb,antuk pamedek sane ngutang sampah sembarangan.

Inggih asapunika nika tata cara titiang sane paling efektif miwah aluh iraga terapang mangda kawasan pura tetap bersih lan lestari.kirang langkung titiang nunas sinampura puputang titiang antuk paramashanti,

Om shanti, shanti, shanti om.

Sudahkah kalian menjaga kebersihan dan kelestarian pura?

Saya mempunyai beberapa tatacara menjaga kebersihan dan melestarikan pura. Tata cara saya seharusnya kita tidak boleh membuang sampah plastik maupun sampah lainnya sembarangan di area tempat suci/ pura.ada solusi cara caranya yaitu sebagai berikut: 1.tersedianya tong sampah di setiap sudut pura. 2.adanya peraturan peraturan tidak boleh membawa tas plastik ke pura. 3.adanya denda 10rb, untuk pengunjung yang membuang sampah sembarangan.. Itulah tatacara paling efektif dan mudah kita terapkan, agar kawasan pura tetap bersih dan Lestari.kurang lebihnya saya meminta maaf saya tutup dengan paramashanti ,

Om shanti, shanti, shanti om.

Have you maintained the cleanliness and sustainability of the temple?

I have several procedures for maintaining cleanliness and preserving the temple. 
My method is that we should not throw plastic or other rubbish carelessly in the holy place/temple area. There is a solution which is as follows:
1. Availability of trash cans in every corner of the temple. 
2. There are regulations that you are not allowed to bring plastic bags into the temple. 
3. There is a fine of 10 thousand for visitors who throw rubbish carelessly.. 
That is the most effective and easy procedure for us to apply, so that the temple area remains clean and sustainable. More or less, I apologize and close with Paramashanti,
Oh shanti, shanti, shanti uncle.

Under 16

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