Kadek Sudiasa

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Full Name
Kadek Sudiasa
Pen Name
Photograph by
Dewi Dian Reich
Link to Photograph
Website for biography
Sawidji Gallery
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In English

Kadek Sudiasa is a traditional dancer especially of the Bali Mask Dance, Gamelan musician, wood carver and mask maker. He also has a unique skill in playing and making the Balinese Rebab. Originally from Mas, Ubud, his experience in traditional dance theatre and mask making is a source of wonderful knowledge for Sawidjis’ artist community. I Kadek Sudiasa is member of Sanggar Tirta Sari & Genta Buana Sari, a community of traditional musicians and dancers. It is here that he felt most at home. Presently, Kadek is still active in Peliatan as a musician and dancer. Under the management of Anak Agung Gede Oka Dalem.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Kadek Sudiasa adalah seorang penari tradisional khususnya Tari Topeng Bali, penabuh Gamelan, pemahat kayu dan pembuat topeng. Ia juga memiliki keahlian yang unik dalam memainkan dan membuat Rebab Bali. Berasal dari Mas, Ubud, pengalamannya dalam teater tari tradisional dan pembuatan topeng merupakan sumber pengetahuan yang luar biasa bagi komunitas seniman Sawidjis. I Kadek Sudiasa adalah anggota Sanggar Tirta Sari & Genta Buana Sari, sebuah komunitas pemusik dan penari tradisional. Di sinilah dia merasa paling betah. Saat ini Kadek masih aktif di Peliatan sebagai musisi dan penari. Di bawah pengelolaan Anak Agung Gede Oka Dalem.

Examples of work

Explores what lies within the character of ‘Topeng Keras’. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. One of Bali’s oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals. A chapter in our series The Living Masks of Bali. Topeng Keras is one of 5 characters that appear in the Topeng Babad Ceremonial Dance (refer to ‘Topeng Babad Today‘). Amongst these are Topeng Ratu (the Kings’ Mask) Topeng Tua (Old Mask) Topeng Sidakarya (Sidakarya Mask) Topeng Bondres (Common Peoples’ Mask). Kadek explains that according to the rules of mask making in Bali, the first mask is Topeng Keras. Topeng Keras is a ‘Patih’ (Minister of the King) The word Patih or Pepatih is a regent title that was traditionally used among Austronesian polities of insular Southeast Asia. In the first place, it denoted the chief minister of a kingdom or a traditional regency. The word originates from the Sanskrit word Patih meaning maintainer, master or guide.
Topeng Tuli is part of Topeng Bondres. It was performed in the past as entertainment during ceremonies and community events. This mask was made by Kadek Sudiasa for 'World Without Sound, an Anthology' Exhibition at Sawidji Gallery. "Those who can not hear, do not think lightly or less of them.. because they have something extra, something special that other people may not have. God's creation is full of balance and fairness. If they do not have enough in their power of hearing.. they have something else that is extra that we may not see." ~ Kadek Sudiasa
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