I Made Surita

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I Made Surita
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In English

Made Surita was born July 27, 1951 in the village of Payangan. His father, a Hindu official, specialized in painting wayang (puppet) figures. In 1965, after finishing primary school, he started to draw zealously, picturing nature and people with cult functions.

In 1968 he enrolled at the Sekolah Seni Rupa Indonesia (School of Fine Arts Indonesia, or SMSR) in Denpasar. After two years there, he was able to finance his study through the paintings he was selling. During this period, the artist Nyoman Darsana, also from Payangan, helped him master batik techniques.

The years between 1971 and 1988 represented a period of doubt for him, a quest for his own soul. From time to time he sought comfort in other occupations and professions, concentrating more on batik, or working as a journalist for various newspapers. In 1988, he eventually discovered his own personal painting style based on Balinese culture.

A style of his own? He discovered it by combining the different existing wayang styles – the 'Kamasan Klungkung' style and the 'Young Artist' style as it had been developed and taught by the Dutch painter Arie Smit.

Elements of both styles were subordinated to his own subject matter – the culture of Bali or daily life as it is determined by religion. In his most recent paintings, he links up even more stylistic elements than before. The compositions refer to the 'Young Artist' painting style, the figures and trees to 'Wayang Kulit' (shadow puppet), the colors to 'Wayang Kamasan' and the technical finish to the traditional Ubud style.

Since 1970, Surita's work has been widely exhibited throughout Indonesia as well as in galleries in Singapore (1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999), Australia's Darwin Museum (1996) and the Darwin Parliament House (1997).

In Balinese

In Indonesian

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