Ida Wayan Eka Werdi Putra

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Full Name
Ida Wayan Eka Werdi Putra
Pen Name
Gus Eka
Photograph by
Gus Eka
Link to Photograph
Website for biography
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In English

Ida Wayan Eka Werdi Putra or who is often called Gus Eka is the initiator of SAGARAGIRI Outdoor. SAGARAGIRI comes from the word Sagara/Segara which means sea and Giri which means mountain. Sagara-Giri is a concept of Balinese local wisdom that describes the sacredness of the dimension of space. Sagara (mountain)-Giri (sea), Pasir-Wukir, and upstream-teben (downstream) are other terms that are also symbols of unity and mutual influence.

Some traditional Balinese literature mentions that the Kawi Wiku or poet priests wrote their literary works in beautiful places. The priest, poet or author walks along the mountains and coasts to express his visual beauty in the form of literary works as a form of glorification of the Creator.

This is what became the inspiration for the establishment of SAGARAGIRI Outdoor. Glorifying nature is one of the ways that Balinese predecessors used to enjoy life, even as a spiritual practice. In this increasingly frenetic era, we want to adapt the concept and practice to invite SaGi's friends back to nature, protect it, and enjoy it from a different perspective.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ida Wayan Eka Werdi Putra atau yang sering disapa Gus Eka adalah penggagas SAGARAGIRI Outdoor. SAGARAGIRI berasal dari kata Sagara/Segara yang berarti laut dan Giri yang berarti gunung. Sagara-Giri merupakan sebuah konsep kearifan lokal Bali yang menggambarkan kesakralan dimensi ruang. Sagara (gunung)-Giri(laut), Pasir-Wukir, dan hulu-teben (hilir) adalah istilah lainnya yang juga menjadi simbol kesatuan dan saling mempengaruhi.

Beberapa pustaka tradisional Bali menyebutkan bahwa para Kawi Wiku atau pendeta pujangga menulis karya sastranya di tempat-tempat yang indah. Pendeta pujangga atau pengarang tersebut menyusuri gunung dan pesisir untuk menuangkan keindahan visualnya dalam bentuk karya sastra sebagai bentuk pemuliaan terhadap Sang Pencipta.

Hal inilah yang menjadi inspirasi bagi pendirian SAGARAGIRI Outdoor. Memuliakan alam adalah salah satu jalan yang digunakan pendahulu di Bali untuk menikmati hidup, bahkan sebagai laku spiritual. Di zaman yang semakin hingar-bingar seperti sekarang, kami ingin mengadaptasi konsep dan laku tersebut untuk mengajak sahabat SaGi kembali ke alam, menjaganya, sekaligus menikmatinya dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Examples of work

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Now enjoying a cup of coffee can be more meaningful. You can brew your own version of coffee with the manual brew V60 technique. This package provides a set of V60 coffee brewing tools + tutorial, and selected coffee beans (you can also bring your own) and of course you can bring it to mesmerizing places on our recommendation list. A cup of homemade coffee in the twilight by the nature, accompanied by the closest person. Ah, what a joy isnt it?