I Wayan Suardika

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Full Name
I Wayan Suardika
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In English

Mr. I Wayan Suardika is a pengawi from the Nusa Penida region, he was born in Pelilit 08 June 1989, he has his address at Pelilit hamlet des Pejukutan Subdistrict Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency, Mr. I Wayan Suardika studied elementary school at SDN 8 Suana, studying junior high school at SMPN 1 Nusa Penida, attended high school at SMAN 1 Nusa Penida, then took undergraduate and postgraduate education at the Ganesha education university by taking the Balinese language education study program. Since 2017 he has been writing Balinese literature purwa

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Bapak I wayan suardika adalah seorang pengawi yang berasal dari wilayah nusa penida,beliau bertempat lahir di pelilit 08 juni 1989, beliau beralamat di dusun pelilit des pejukutan kecamatan nusa penida kab klungkung, bapak I wayan suardika menempuh pendidikansekolah dasar di SDN 8 suana, menempuh pendidikan sekolah menengah pertama di SMPN 1 Nusa penida, menempuh pendidikan sekolah menengah atas di SMAN 1 NusaPenida, kemudian menempuh pendidikan s1 dan s2 di universtas pendidikan ganesha dengan mengambil program studi pendidikan bahasa bali.beliau sejak tahun 2017 sudah menulis karya sastra bali purwa

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