I Wayan Phala Suwara S.Pd.H.,M.Pd

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Full Name
I Wayan Phala Suwara S.Pd.H.,M.Pd
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In English

Mr. I Wayan Phala Suwara S.Pd.H.,M.Pd he was born in Denpasar, May 22, 1993. Located on Jalan Gemitir, Gang Suli B Biaung-Denpasar. His parents are I Wayan Sujana and Ni Nyoman Sariani. He works as a teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. His last education was S2 at IHDN.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Bapak I Wayan Phala Suwara S.Pd.H.,M.Pd beliau lahir di Denpasar, 22 Mei 1993. Bertempat tinggal di Jalan Gemitir, Gang Suli  B Biaung- Denpasar.  Orang tua beliau bernama I Wayan Sujana dan  Ni Nyoman Sariani.Beliau bekerja sebagai Guru di SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. Pendidikan terakhir beliau S2 di IHDN.

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<ul><li>Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "The song widya usadha contains a pupuh demung, containing a long crew member and a long crew member, a long crew member and a long pengawit. This song is inspired by the state of our environment during the corona virus pandemic. Kidung widya usadha tells of human anxiety in the midst of a pandemic who begs the creator for constant guidance so that the temptations of this pandemic do not make people lose their minds, can still be optimistic and always work. Where knowledge must be strengthened because knowledge will develop over time, one of which is during a pandemic." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic id" (as page type) with input value "Kidung widya usadha terdapat pupuh demung, berisi pengawak bawak dan pengawak panjang, pengawit bawak dan pengawit panjang. Kidung ini terinspirasi dari keadaan lingkungan kita di saat pandemi tersebarnya  virus corona. Kidung widya usadha  menceritakan kegelisahan manusia ditengah pandemi yang memohon  kepada sang pencipta agar bimbingan senantiasa sehingga godaan-godaan pandemi ini tidaklah sampai membuat manusia kehilangan akal sehatnya, tetap bisa optimis dan senantiasa  berkarya. Dimana pengetahuanlah yang harus diperkuat karena pengetahuan akan berkembang seiring zamannya salah satunya di saat pandemi." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>