I Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena

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Revision as of 22:17, 8 November 2021 by Ajs (talk | contribs)
IMG 6037.jpeg
Full Name
I Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena
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Photograph by
Gamelan Tunas Mekar
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Colorado, USA
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In English

I Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena is an Indonesian artist and scholar. Putu’s interests are rooted in gamelan, improvisation, and metal music, while dealing primarily with high adrenaline activity, embodiment, and cosmology theories. Putu has performed with gamelan and improvisation ensembles around the United States and Indonesia; most recently with Gamelan Pandan Arum from Los Angeles, Gamelan Tunas Mekar in Denver, and Sanggar Manik Galih in Bali. He has also acted as gamelan ensemble director at the Museum School of San Diego as well as the University of San Diego. Putu holds a B.A. from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs in Visual and Performing Arts and an M.A. from the University of California San Diego in Integrative Studies. He has recently started a Ph.D. program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in ethnomusicology where he plans to continue his studies in new music and gamelan.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

I Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena adalah seorang seniman dan cendekiawan Indonesia. Ketertarikan Putu ada pada gamelan, improvisasi, dan musik metal, terutama yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas adrenalin tinggi, perwujudan, dan teori kosmologi. Putu telah tampil dengan gamelan dan ansambel improvisasi di seluruh Amerika Serikat dan Indonesia; terakhir dengan Gamelan Pandan Arum dari Los Angeles, Gamelan Tunas Mekar di Denver, dan Sanggar Manik Galih di Bali. Ia juga bertindak sebagai direktur ansambel gamelan di Sekolah Museum San Diego serta Universitas San Diego. Putu menyandang gelar B.A. dari University of Colorado Colorado Springs dalam Visual and Performing Arts dan MA dari University of California San Diego dalam Integrative Studies. Dia baru saja memulai gelar Ph.D. program di University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign dalam bidang etnomusikologi di mana ia berencana untuk melanjutkan studinya dalam musik baru dan gamelan.

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