Wana Parwa

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Wana parwa basabali wiki.jpg
Title of Work
Wana Parwa
⧼IdentificationMap-parwa of Mahabharata⧽
Photo Reference
Maharsi Byasa
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    In English

    [EN] After losing the dice game, the Pandavas lived for twelve years in the jungle. In the thirteenth year, they had to disguise themselves unnoticed. If their disguise is uncovered, then they must repeat the period of exile in the forest for another twelve years.

    The Mahabharata incident occurred around 5,000 years ago, in the last quarter of the Dwaparayuga era. At that time, human life could reach 1,000 years with a long young period. So, do not be surprised if the Pandavas exiled themselves for a dozen years and can still have strong children. Not surprisingly, Bhisma, the elder of Hastinapur's nobles, was still alive when Arjuna, his grandson, had a son named Abhimanyu.

    In the forest, the Pandavas meet various magical things. One of the most important is the meeting of Maharaja Yudhisthira with a python who was Nahusa, his own ancestor. Nahusa was cursed to be a snake because of his arrogance. There was also the Yaksa Prasna incident, when Maharaja Yudhisthira was tested by Lord Yamaraja, the controller of death.

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian

    Setelah kalah bermain dadu, Para Pandawa menjalani hidup selama dua belas tahun di hutan. Di tahun ketiga belas, mereka harus menyamar tanpa diketahui. Apabila penyamaran mereka sampai ketahuan, maka mereka harus mengulangi masa pengasingan ke hutan selama dua belas tahun lagi.

    Peristiwa Mahabharata terjadi sekitar 5.000 tahun lalu, di paruh akhir zaman Dwaparayuga. Pada zaman itu, usia manusia bisa mencapai 1.000 tahun dengan masa muda yang panjang. Jadi, tidak heran jika para pandawa melakukan pengasingan diri selama belasan tahun dan masih bisa memiliki anak-anak yang kuat. Tak heran pula, Bhisma, tetua para bangsawan Hastinapura, masih hidup ketika Arjuna, cucunya, memiliki putra bernama Abhimanyu.

    Di hutan, para Pandawa bertemu dengan berbagai hal ajaib. Salah satu yang paling penting adalah pertemuan Maharaja Yudhisthira dengan seekor ular piton yang adalah Nahusa, leluhurnya sendiri. Nahusa dikutuk menjadi ular karena kesombongannya. Ada pula peristiwa Yaksa Prasna, tatkala Maharaja Yudhisthira diuji oleh Dewa Yama.

    Text Excerpt

    Bahasa Kawi/Kuno

    In English

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian
