Ni Komang Ayu Anantha Putri

From BASAbaliWiki
Type of Performance
Photo reference
Photografer Adhitya Pratama
Ni Komang Sraya Murtikanti
Ni Komang Ayu Anantha Putri
Musicians, group or orchestra
  • Semara Murti
Singer(s)/Dancer(s) or troupe
  • Kerta Art Performance
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      Ayu Anantha Putri


      In English

      Pose of Choreography (Covid19 In Hindu Theology)
      In Hindu theology, there is no hatred of Hyang Widhi (God).  There are no curses, there are only cycles, cycles of seasons, cycles of flowering to fruiting, cycles that make life and the universe move.  Hyang Widhi regulates all cycles and cosmic order through the intelligence behind the motion of the universe, the breath of humans, animals, photosynthesis of plants to the emergence of viruses and all kinds of germs that are present as part of the completeness of the universe.
      This work was first conceived by myself, Ni Komang Ayu Anantha Putri S.Sn., M.Sn who deliberately created new works that were enjoyed through photo collages telling stories. One person who has succeeded in realizing this work in the form of a photographic work is an academic photographer named Adhitya Pratama S.Str.Sn, the sharp and at first glance like paintings are made to give a more artistic impression and prioritize color sharpness. This work not only contains photo collages, but is also accompanied by musical accompaniment which was created directly by an academic musician named Ni Komang Srayamurtikanti S.Sn. I hope this work gets positive appreciation from performing arts lovers and is able to provide a new spectacle that is entertaining and inspiring

      In Balinese

      In Indonesian

      Koreografi Pose (Covid19 Dalam Teologi Hindu)

      Koreografi Pose (Covid19 Dalam Teologi Hindu)

      Dalam teologi Hindu , tidak ada kebencian Hyang Widhi (Tuhan). Tidak ada kutuk, yang ada hanya siklus, siklus musim, siklus berbunga sampai berbuah, siklus yang membuat kehidupan dan semesta bergerak. Hyang Widhi mengatur semua siklus dan tatanan kosmik lewat kecerdasan di balik gerak alam semesta, tarikan nafas manusia, hewan, fotosintesa tumbuhan sampai munculnya virus dan segala jenis kuman yang hadir sebagai bagian dari kelengkapan alam semesta raya.

      Karya ini pertama kali dicetuskan oleh saya sendiri ,Ni Komang Ayu Anantha Putri S.Sn ., M.Sn ya g sengaja mencipta karya taru yang dinikmati melalui kolase foto bercerita. Seorang yang berhasil merealisasikan karya ini ke dalam bentuk karya photography yaitu seorang photigrafer akademik bernama Adhitya Pratama S.Str.Sn, hasil jepretan foto yang tajam dan sepintas mirip lukisan memang sengaja dibuat untuk memberikan kesan lebih artistik dan mengutamakan ketajaman warna. Karya ini tidak hanya berisikan kolase foto, namun juga diiringi oleh musik pengiring yang diciptakan langsung dengan seorang musisi akademik bernama Ni Komang Srayamurtikanti S.Sn. semoga karya ini mendapatkan apresiasi positif dari para pecinta seni pertunjukan dan mampu memberikan tontonan baru yang menghibur dan menginspirasi

      In other local languages


