Learning process in pandemic covid-19

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Eka sasmita-min (1).jpg
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pembelajaran di tengah pandemi covid-19
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Eka sasmita-min (1).jpg
    1. basaibuwiki
    1. daring
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In English

Learning process in Pandemic covid-19 Covid-19 is currently still in Indonesia, especially the Makassar area, resulting in the online learning process still being implemented. This learning certainly has positive and negative impacts. the positive impact is that there is no need for an alternative to go to school. In addition, with online learning, of course, more time will be spent at home so that it can help parents more in completing homework assignments. Meanwhile, the negative impact of the implementation of online learning in the midst of COVID-19, the delivery and receipt of material from teachers to students, is less than optimal. In addition, the teacher cannot assess the students' affective aspects optimally. So, students must be taught to be more independent and able to discipline themselves, here, workers work together with parents. In addition, a teacher must be observant in choosing appropriate and effective methods to be used in the online learning process during a pandemic.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Pembelajaran di tengah Pandemic covid-19 Covid-19 saat ini masih berada di Indonesia, terutama area Makassar mengakibatkan proses pembelajaran secara daring masih tetap di berlakukan. Pembelajaran ini tentunya ada dampak positif dn negativeya. dampak positifnya yakni tidak perlunya ada alternatife yang di gunakan menuju ke sekolah. Selain itu, dengan pembelajaran secara online tentunya akan lebih banyak waktu yang di habiskan di rumah sehingga bisa lebih banyak membantu orang tua menyelesaikan perkejan rumah. Sedangkan dampak negative di berlakukannya pembelajaran daring di tengah covid-19 penyampaian maupun penerimaan materi dari guru untuk siswa, kurang maksimal. Selain itu, guru tidak dapat menilai aspek afektif siswa secara maksimal . jadi, siswa harus di ajarkan lebih mandiri dan mampu mendisiplinkan diri, di sini, buruh kerja sama dengan orang tua murid. Selain itu, seorang guru harus jeli memilih metode yang sesuai dan efektif untuk di gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran online selama pandemic.