Property:Biography example title

From BASAbaliWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
karya 2  +
karya 1  +
Senggeger  +
Komedi Birokrat  +
VisualArt The Janger Dance  +
Book 3500 Plant Species of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia  +
Book Mengenal Tumbuhan di sekitar kita  +
Book Kebun Raya Bogor  +
Performance Pendet Swastiastu  +
Performance Temui 12 Pesona Jembrana  +
Optimalisasi Peran Pecalang sebagai Representasi Desa Adat dalam Menunjang Percepatan Pencegahan Covid-19 di Provinsi Bali  +
Book Renditions of my Soul  +
Kutang Sayang Gemel Madui (2016)  +
Scholars Room The Influence of Media Booklet in Behavior Change of Waste Management in Elementary School Students, South Denpasar, Bali  +
Pentas Drama Gong  +
Kerukunan umat beragama  +
Book I Gusti Made Deblog: Master Seni Lukis Naturalis dalam Medan Seni Rupa Denpasar-Bali  +
Scholars Room The Effect of Narrative on Balinese Traditional Painting: A Study of Fine Language in Kamasan Puppet Painting and I Ketut Gede Singaraja  +
karya 2  +