Waste into Ecobricks

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Revision as of 11:20, 2 October 2024 by Pebriawan (talk | contribs)

This is a Response to the Sampah Upacara wikithon

Luu plastik prasida ngerusak palemahan. Mangdane luu punika dados barang sane becik miwah wenten nilai guna, luu plastik prasida dados Ecobrick utawi bata ramah lingkungan.

sampah plastik bisa merusak lingkungan supaya sampah plastik bisa menjadi barang bagus dan ada nilai guna, sampah plastik bisa jadi Ecobrick atau bata ramah lingkungan.

Plastic waste can damage the environment,so that plastic waste can be turned into good things and have utility value, plastic waste can be made into Ecobricks or environmentally friendly bricks.

Under 16

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