Yeh Malet

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Yeh Malet
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Nyoman Butur Suantara ManButur
Related Place
yeh malet, Place Karangasem
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In English

Landscape photography is very satisfying when you explore this genre. Especially if you are lucky enough to live in a place that has amazing destinations all within a short distance and rich in diversity as we have. This image was taken in Yeh Malet in Karangasem regency Bali. Pantai Yeh Malet is actually best known for its Wates Beach, for its sandy black sand that reflects light. Often through popularity, one aspect of a region gets exposure and we often don't see the many layers of beauty that are present every day. Like in this image. Not the sunny popular black sand beach, but in the evening, life of the village still goes on.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Fotografi lanskap sangat memuaskan saat Anda menjelajahi genre ini. Apalagi jika Anda cukup beruntung untuk tinggal di tempat yang memiliki destinasi menakjubkan semuanya dalam jarak dekat dan kaya keragaman seperti yang kita miliki. Gambar ini diambil di Yeh Malet di Kabupaten Karangasem Bali. Pantai Yeh Malet sebenarnya terkenal dengan Pantai Wates-nya, karena pasir hitamnya yang memantulkan cahaya. Seringkali melalui popularitas, salah satu aspek dari suatu daerah mendapat eksposur dan kita sering tidak melihat banyak lapisan keindahan yang hadir setiap hari. Seperti pada gambar ini. Bukan pantai pasir hitam populer yang cerah, tetapi di malam hari, kehidupan desa masih berjalan.