I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa

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I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa
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Wahyu Angga
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In English

I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa or better known as Wahyu Angga was born on May 21, 1997 in Denpasar. He is one of the alumni of the 2015 Bali Literature study program, he is also the author of the parwa literary work, kakawin Prapanca Suddhani. Currently, he is continuing his master's education at the Postgraduate program at Udayana University, Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa atau bisa dikenal sebagai Wahyu Angga beliau lahir pada tanggal 21 Mei 1997 di Denpasar. Beliau merupakan salah satu alumni dari program studi Sastra Bali angkatan 2015, ia juga merupakan pengarang dari karya sastra parwa yaitu kakawin Prapanca Suddhani. Saat ini beliau sedang melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana Fakultas Ilmu Budaya.

Examples of work

Kakawin Prapanca Suddhani
WhatsApp Image 2022-07-12 at 18.21.43.jpeg
Kakawin entitled PRAPANCA SUDDHANI. Broadly speaking, the content or meaning contained in the kakawin discusses the situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic by discussing our response to the Covid-19 pandemic so that we don't get carried away in the sadness or suffering caused by this pandemic.
