Betel leaf is one of the herbal plants, the leaf is single, has a heart shape, has a pointed tip, grows alternately, stems, and emits a pleasant odor when crushed. It is about 5 - 8 cm long and 2 - 5 cm wide. The compound flowers have a grain shape and there are protective leaves of ± 1 mm which have an elliptical shape.
Base temisi:
1.also sold as a ready to chew quid. Name comes from temisi, a kind of garden snail that has a conical shape.
2.small cone shaped container made of two bas (betel) leaves containing ingredients of the betel chew, tatampinan, plus a small wad of tobacco that protrudes
3.used primarily as part of the important offering called punjung
Base tulak:
betel package
Taru base:
Betel leaf (Piper betle) is the leaf traditionally known to be useful for the treatment various diseases like bad breath, boils, and abscesses, constipation, conjuctivitis, headache, and rehumatism. The essential oil of this leaf contained antibacterial.
Don base:
betelnut leaf
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