Lavender Linguistics: Lexicon Used by Gay People in Bali for the Topic of Preferences

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Title of article (Indonesian)
Linguistik Lavender: Leksikon yang Digunakan oleh Kaum Homoseksual di Bali dalam Percakapan
Title of article (Balinese)
Original title language
Title (other local language)
  • Maryon Renaldy
  • lexicon
  • qualitative
  • sociolinguistic
  • gay
  • queer
  • speech varieties
Title of Journal
Humanis: Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Date of Publication
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        In English

        This study aims to find out the lexicon and its meanings used by gay people in Bali for the topic of preference. The data was collected through qualitative methods by interviewing informants, recording, and note-taking as well as doing participatory observation to gay people from several places, nightclubs, and communities in Bali including Balijoe, and Mixwell bar in Seminyak, and Bali Peace Crew Community in Denpasar. The data was qualitatively analyzed and descriptively presented based on lavender linguistics, which according to William Leap, is a study about the language used by the queer community to communicate. The theories used are sociolinguistics theories proposed by Yule which are slang and speech varieties. It resulted in 10 lexicons were used by gay people in the level of word, phrase, and abbreviation to exchange information or communicate with the interlocutors. The meanings of each lexicon are influenced by participants, setting, topic, and function.

        In Balinese

        In Indonesian

        Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui leksikon dan maknanya yang digunakan oleh kaum homoseksual di Bali untuk percakapan tertentu. Data terkumpul melalui metode kualitatif dengan mewawancarai informan, merekam, dan mencatat, sekaligus melakukan observasi partisipatif pada kehidupan para homoseksual di berbagai lokasi, klab malam, dan komunitas di Bali termasuk Balijoe, bar Mixwell di Seminyak, dan Bali Peace Crew Community di Denpasar. Data yang terkumpul diolah secara kualitatif dan dideskripsikan berdasarkan konsep linguistik lavender, yang menurut William leap, adalah studi tentang bahasa yang dipakai oleh komunitas queer dalam berkomunikasi. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori sosiolinguistik yang dikemukakan oleh Yule yaitu slang dan ragam tutur. Hasilnya, 10 leksikon digunakan oleh kaum homoseksual dalam tataran kata, frase, dan singkatan untuk bertukar informasi atau berkomunikasi dengan lawan bicaranya. Makna dari setiap leksikon dipengaruhi oleh partisipan, seting, topik, dan fungsi.