Pura Sada

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Revision as of 07:52, 14 February 2022 by I Kadek (talk | contribs)
Name of Place
Pura Sada
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place


              In English

              Purusada Kapal Temple has quite a lot of archaeological remains, one of which is Prasada which has a height of about 17.20 meters made of brick. The function of prasada itself is as a place of worship as well as a place to store sacred objects (pratima). Besides prasada, there are also Manifestation Statues, Animal Statues, Puppet Statues, Candi Bentar, Bala Satya Monument, and Mekel Satya.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Pura Purusada Kapal memiliki tinggalan arkeologi yang cukup banyak, salah satunya adalah Prasada (1 buah) yang memiliki tinggi sekitar 17,20 meter yang terbuat dari bahan bata. fungsi prasada sendiri sebagai tempat pemujaan sekaligus sebagai tempat penyimpanan benda-benda suci (pratima). Selain prasada terdapat juga Arca Perwujudan, Arca Binatang, Arca Pewayangan, Candi Bentar, Tugu Bala Satya dan Mekel Satya
