BASAbaliWiki:Wikithon Examples
From BASAbaliWiki
- [ 21-02-2022 06:40:43 ] The User:Windhukn added a new example ( Rumah saya diterpa hujan disertai angin kencang / My house was hit by rain with strong winds / Umah tiange uyak ujan angin ) to the Ujan angin word.
- [ 20-02-2022 23:25:16 ] The User:Windhukn added a new example ( / / Getok tiang batisne I Bapa apang nyak bangun ) to the Getok word.
- [ 20-02-2022 14:26:41 ] The User:Eka Werdi added a new example ( / Cubit tangannya! / Sigit limane! ) to the Sigit word.