Agung Bawantara

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Revision as of 14:43, 4 October 2021 by Clara yaya dewi (talk | contribs)
Full Name
Agung Bawantara
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In English

Agung Bawantara was born in Klungkung on January 30, 1968. He graduated from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at the University of Mataram, NTB. He has been writing poetry since the 1980s in Bali Post, Karya Bakti, Nova, Berita Buana, Swadesi, Media Indonesia, etc. His collected poems can be found in Sahayun (1994), and in Klungkung: Tanah Tua, Tanah Cinta (2016). He initiated the Denpasar Film Festival. He has also written short stories, children's stories, fairy tales, and novels.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Agung Bawantara lahir di Klungkung, 30 Januari 1968. Lulusan Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Mataram, NTB. Menulis puisi sejak 1980-an di Bali Post, Karya Bakti, Nova, Berita Buana, Swadesi, Media Indonesia, dll. Puisinya juga terkumpul dalam buku Sahayun (1994), Klungkung: Tanah Tua, Tanah Cinta (2016). Dia adalah penggagas Denpasar Film Festival. Dia juga menulis cerpen, cerita anak, dongeng, dan novel.

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