Dawan, Klungkung-Bali

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Name of Place
Dawan, Klungkung-Bali
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place

              In English

              Sea salt is one of Bali’s locally produced natural products. Still farmed traditionally, as it has been for generations, this produce relies on only a few things: the sea, the sand, the sun and the sweat of local farmer.

              In this first Episode of ‘Made in Bali’, a mini-documentary series that celebrates, captures and preserves the island’s many artisans and handcraftsmen, NOW! Bali speaks to Nyoman Warta, one of the few remaining sea salt farmers. On the black volcanic sands of the Klungkung Regency of East Bali, he continues the trade of his forefathers – but he will be the last sea salt farmer of his family. In this video he shares the story of his life, the sea salt making process and the future of the trade.

              (Check this out: https://youtu.be/01SwT_3jDdg)

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Garam adalah salah satu produk alami yang diproduksi secara lokal oleh masyarakat Bali. Dengan teknik secara tradisional, seperti yang terjadi selama beberapa generasi, produk ini hanya bergantung pada beberapa hal: laut, pasir, matahari, dan keringat petani lokal. Dalam Episode pertama 'Made in Bali', seri dokumenter singkat yang mengulas tentang petani garam laut. Now! Bali Magazine berbincang dengan Nyoman Warta, salah satu dari sedikit petani garam laut yang tersisa. Di pasir hitam vulkanik di Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali Timur, ia melanjutkan perdagangan nenek moyangnya - tetapi ia akan menjadi petani garam laut terakhir dari keluarganya. Dalam video ini ia berbagi kisah hidupnya, proses pembuatan dan masa depan perdagangan garam laut khas Bali.


              Now! Bali Magazine