Nyoman Ngendon

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Nyoman Ngendon
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In English

I Nyoman Ngendon (1920-1947) was a painter from Banjar Dentiyis, Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar. He first learned to paint the Kamasan wayang style from Dewa Nyoman Mura in the early 1930s. He was an influential figure in Rock painting and had many students. He is fluent in Malay, Dutch and English. During the Japanese occupation, he went to Yogyakarya, and met with Soekarno, Affandi, Soedjojono, and joined Persagi. Besides being known as a painter, he was a guerrilla figure under the leadership of I Gusti Ngurah Rai to help defend the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. He was captured by Nica's soldiers in Ketewel, tortured and executed.

Ngendon is indeed an intelligent Batuan painter who is very anxious to develop himself in painting. In addition to painting in the Batuan style, Ngendon does many portraits using modern techniques. Ngendon is also a painting teacher who is very idealistic and visionary. For Ngendon, each student must be able to draw different shapes, not just copying things that already exist. Ngendon gave birth to a generation of Batuan painters who are able to explore and develop strong thematics.

"One of the first from Batuan to start painting about 1933 or 1934, along with Togo Djatasoera, and Tjeta. Ngendon learned his skills from his cousin, Patera, who was the first to contact the Westerners Spies and Bonnet. In addition to painting and woodcarving, Patera organized dance troupes and orchestras for tourist performances, and after he died in 1935, Ngendon, took over that role. By the time Mead and Bateson began collecting, Ngendon was not making many pictures. He taught a large number of the Batuan people. Nine pictures by him are in the collection. [Batuaninteractive] According to Kaler, Ngendon had been to school for five years, could read, write, and speak Malay and some Dutch and English. He frequented the homes of Westerners and was a member of Pita Maha, the artists' cooperative set up by Spies and Bonnet. At one point he was Spies' favorite Batuan painter. His father was a moderately well-off farmer, and

his mother an active merchant. During the Japanese occupation he went to Java to study painting and learned naturalist ideas, which he brought back to Bali. After the Japanese surrendered, Ngendon became a local leader in the nationalist struggle against the returned Dutch colonial presence but was captured and executed in 1948."

In Balinese

In Indonesian

I Nyoman Ngendon (1920-1947) adalah pelukis yang berasal dari Banjar Dentiyis, Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar. Dia pertama kali belajar melukis gaya wayang Kamasan dari Dewa Nyoman Mura pada tahun 1930-an awal. Dia termasuk tokoh berpengaruh dalam seni lukis Batuan dan memiliki banyak murid. Dia fasih berbahasa Melayu, Belanda, dan Inggris. Pada masa pendudukan Jepang, dia pergi ke Yogyakarya, dan bertemu dengan Soekarno, Affandi, Soedjojono, dan ikut bergabung dalam Persagi. Selain dikenal sebagai pelukis, dia adalah sosok gerilyawan di bawah pimpinan I Gusti Ngurah Rai untuk turut mempertahankan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Dia ditangkap tentara Nica di Ketewel, disiksa dan dihukum mati.

Ngendon memang sosok pelukis Batuan yang cerdas dan sangat gelisah untuk mengembangkan diri dalam seni lukis. Selain melukis dengan gaya Batuan, Ngendon memang banyak melukis potret dengan teknik modern. Ngendon juga sosok guru melukis yang sangat idealis dan visioner. Bagi Ngendon, setiap murid harus mampu menggambar bentuk-bentuk yang berbeda, tidak hanya menjiplak hal-hal yang sudah ada. Ngendon melahirkan generasi pelukis Batuan yang mampu menggali dan mengembangkan tematik secara kuat.

Examples of work

lukisan 2
Nyoman ngendon i-portrait of a balinese woman~OM996300~11211 20111022 48 219.jpg
lukisan 1
Nyoman ngendon i-portait of dr ernst schlager~OMd40300~11211 20111022 48 221.jpg
lukisan 3
Ngendon 1939.jpg