Dr. Anak Agung Gde Alit Geria, M.Si.

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Dr. Anak Agung Gde Alit Geria, M.Si.
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Dr. Anak Agung Gde Alit Geria, M.Si.
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Br. Petak, Desa Petak Kaja Gianyar
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In English

Dr. Anak Agung Gde Alit Geria, M.Sc., was born in Br. Petak, Petak Kaja Village, Gianyar Bali, on April 21, 1963. He completed his undergraduate education (Balinese Language and Literature) at the Faculty of Letters at Udayana University (1987) and earned a Master of Cultural Studies at the Postgraduate Program at Udayana University (2004). In 2012, he earned a Doctorate in Linguistics with a Concentration of Literary Discourse at the Udayana University Postgraduate Program with the dissertation title "Shiva-Buddhist Discourse in Kakawin Nilacandra: Reception Analysis". He worked in the Manuscripts section of the National Library of Indonesia, Jakarta (1990-1996). In addition, he was an Extraordinary Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia Jakarta (1990-1996). In addition, the Bali Provincial Library was also the place where he served in 1997-2005. Since 2006, he has been a PNS Dpk Lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Indonesian and Regional Language Education Study Program, IKIP PGRI Bali, LLDIKTI Region VIII. He has researched a number of lontar manuscripts. Not only researching, he also cataloged, transliterated, and translated them. He has written several books. Among others, Geguritan Uwug Kengetan (2014), Musala Parwa (2015), Prastanika Parwa (2016), Bhomakawya (2017), Shiva-Buddhist Discourse in Kakawin Nilacandra (2018), Ala-ayuning Dina Mwah Sasih (2018), and Kakawin Nilacandra XX Century (2019).

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Dr. Anak Agung Gde Alit Geria, M.Si., lahir di Br. Petak, Desa Petak Kaja Gianyar Bali, pada 21 April 1963. Ia menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 (Bahasa dan Sastra Bali) pada Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana (1987) dan meraih Master of Cultural Studies pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana (2004). Pada 2012, ia meraih gelar Doktor Linguistik dengan Konsentrasi Wacana Sastra pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana dengan judul disertasi “Wacana Siwa-Buddha dalam Kakawin Nilacandra: Analisis Resepsi”. Ia pernah bekerja di bagian Manuskrip Perpustakaan Nasional RI Jakarta (1990-1996). Selain itu, ia adalah Dosen Luar Biasa pada Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia Jakarta (1990-1996). Selain itu, Badan Perpustakaan Provinsi Bali juga adalah tempatnya mengabdi pada 1997-2005. Sejak 2006, ia menjadi Dosen PNS Dpk pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia dan Daerah, IKIP PGRI Bali, LLDIKTI Wilayah VIII. Ia telah meneliti sejumlah manuskrip lontar. Bukan hanya meneliti, ia juga membuat katalogisasi, transliterasi, serta menerjemahkannya. Beberapa buku telah ditulisnya. Antara lain, Geguritan Uwug Kengetan (2014), Musala Parwa (2015), Prastanika Parwa (2016), Bhomakawya (2017), Wacana Siwa-Buddha dalam Kakawin Nilacandra (2018), Ala-ayuning Dina Mwah Sasih (2018), dan Kakawin Nilacandra Abad XX (2019).

Examples of work

Gegurita uwug kengetan
Hasil karya .jpg
The story of Uwug Kengetan begins with the story of the journey of Ida Dalem Kresna Kepakisan, who reigns in the Samplangan kingdom of Gianyar. His presence in Samplangan was a blessing from the king of Majapahit who ordered the main patihs and the aryas of Majapahit, including Arya Kapakisan from the descendants of Kadiri, to be willing to accompany and maintain maximally and faithfully the presence of Ida Dalem Kresna Kapakisan in Bali. The story of Uwug Kengetan, which is full of religious historical values, was composed into the Bali Purwa poem in the form of geguritan. Presented in the form of two scripts (Balinese and Latin), equipped with a number of illustrations based on the main content of the story.