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Name of Place
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place


              In English

              In the past, Candidasa was known as Teluk Kehen. However, since this area was opened to become a tourist attraction called Candidasa, it began to be used.

              Candidasa is one of the tourism areas that was developed in 1983.

              One of the stories that has become a myth about the existence of the Candidasa Temple that is growing and believed by the local community is the Dewi Hariti statue which is located in a niche at the bottom of a hillside.

              It is said that it is said that Dewi Hariti was originally a yaksa in Buddhism who liked to eat children's flesh. However, after receiving enlightenment on the teachings of Buddhism, the Goddess later repented and turned into a protector and lover of children.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Dahulu, Candidasa dikenal sebagai Teluk Kehen. Namun, sejak daerah ini dibuka menjadi obyek wisata bernama Candidasa pun mulai digunakan.

              Candidasa merupakan salah satu kawasan pariwisata yg dikembangkan mulai tahun 1983.

              Salah satu cerita yang menjadi mitos tentang keberadaan Pura Candidasa yang berkembang dan diyakini oleh masyarakat setempat adalah Arca Dewi Hariti yg terletak pada sebuah relung di bagian bawah tebing bukit.

              Konon dikisahkan bahwa Dewi Hariti pada mulanya adalah seorang yaksa dalam Agama Budha yang gemar memakan daging anak-anak. Namun setelah mendapat pencerahan ajaran Agama Budha, Sang Dewi kemudian bertobat dan berbalik menjadi pelindung dan penyayang anak-anak.

              Lost Bali

              Andy Marjoko

              In English

              First of all, it’s pronounced “Chandidasa”!

              If you’re looking to escape the busy southern beaches, make your way further northeast to Candidasa where you’ll find rice paddies surrounded by palm trees, and Mount Agung looming in the distance. Intricate Hindu temples, friendly locals, relaxed beaches and epic dive sites are all nearby.

              The east coast is a great place to base yourself if you’re interested in culture, natural beauty, and scuba diving. For hikers, Mount Agung is still active these days, but when she’s calmed down, trekking the volcano will resume. With many things to see and do in Candidasa, you’ll never be bored here.

              This is a slower-paced, less-developed Bali, and while there’s still a lot of traffic, it’s far less hectic than in the south.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian