Pura Desa

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Revision as of 05:08, 2 January 2022 by I Kadek (talk | contribs)
Pura Desa.jpg
Name of Place
Pura Desa
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place

              In English

              This temple is called Pura Desa because this temple is placed in the center of the village, which is at one corner of the catuspata (great crossroads). Pura Desa is the center for carrying out ceremonies for the benefit of the village such as Ngusaba Desa, pasamuhan batara after melis which was held before Panyepian. In some areas in Bali, Pura Desa is also known as Pura Bale Agung. This name is probably taken from the name of the Bale Agung building which is found on the first page of the temple.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Pura ini disebut dengan nama Pura Desa karena pura ini lazim ditempatkan di pusat desa yaitu pada salah satu sudut dari catuspata (perempatan agung). Pura Desa menjadi tempat pusat kegiatan pelaksanaan upacara untuk kepentingan desa seperti upacara Ngusaba Desa, pasamuhan batara setelah upacara melis yang dilaksanakan sebelum upacara Panyepian. Pada beberapa daerah di Bali, Pura Desa disebut pula dengan nama Pura Bale Agung. Nama ini kemungkinan diambil dari nama bangunan Bale Agung yang terdapat pada bagian halaman pertama dari pura tersebut.
