Kebun Raya Jagatnatha

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Revision as of 08:14, 19 February 2022 by I Kadek (talk | contribs)
Name of Place
Kebun Raya Jagatnatha
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place

              In English

              Jagatnatha Botanic Gardens, Jembrana, Bali, Indonesia has been officially innaugurated on December 5, 2019, with a beautiful and memorable ceremony. Located at the heart of Negara, the capital city of Jembrana Regency, Jagatnatha Botanic Gardens has 3 main themes for its collection: ceremonial, medicinal and rare Jembrana endemic plants. It is a small, about 6 ha, but beautifully designed conservation center that exudes a strong spiritual aura and romantic atmosphere. Jagatnatha Botanic Gardens will be the new icon of Jembrana.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Kebun Raya jagatnatha diresmikan pada 5 Desember 2019. Terletak di Kabupaten Jembrana, Kebun Raya Jagatnatha Jembrana terletak di Kelurahan Dauhwaru, Kecamatan Jembrana. Jarak tempuh untuk mencapai Kebun Raya Jagatnatha dari Denpasar adalah 94,9 km atau sekitar 2 jam 40 menit melalui transportasi darat. Kebun Raya Jagatnatha memiliki 3 tema utama untuk koleksinya: upacara, tanaman endemik Jembrana, obat dan langka. Dengan area seluas 5,8 Ha. Saat ini koleksi Kebun Raya Jagatnatha yang telah ditanam sebanyak 428 spesimen terdiri dari 84 nomor koleksi, 48 suku, 103 marga, dan 124 jenis.


              Denik Sukarya