Pura Jaya Prana

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Revision as of 12:21, 4 January 2022 by I Kadek (talk | contribs)
Makam jaya.jpg
Name of Place
Pura Jaya Prana
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place

              In English

              For Hindus, Jayaprana's tomb is no stranger, because this place is one of the historical attractions in Bali with a love story that ended tragically with the couple Nyoman Jayaprana and Ni Layonsari. This legendary romantic story is like the story of Romeo - Juliet in Europe and Sampek - Engthai in China. Jayaprana's tomb was made a temple, located on a hill. The location of Jayaprana's grave or tomb is in the Teluk Accept forest area, Sumber Klampok Village, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng is about 67 km west of Singaraja City.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Bagi kalangan warga Hindu, makam Jayaprana tidak asing lagi, karena tempat ini sebagai salah satu objek wisata sejarah di Bali dengan kisah percintaan yang berakhir tragis pasangan Nyoman Jayaprana dan Ni Layonsari. Kisah romantis yang melegenda ini seperti kisah Romeo - Juliet di Eropa dan Sampek - Engthai di Negeri China. Makam Jayaprana ini dibuatkan sebuah pura, berada di atas bukit. Lokasi kuburan atau makam Jayaprana berada pada kawasan hutan Teluk Terima, Desa Sumber Klampok, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng sekitar 67 km sebelah barat Kota Singaraja.
