Puri Denpasar

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Puri dps.jpg
Name of Place
Puri Denpasar
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place

              In English

              As a castle and eventually a royal city, Denpasar was inaugurated in 1788. The founder of Puri Denpasar was I Gusti Ngurah Made Pemecutan, a descendant of Puri Pemecutan from the Puri Kaler Kawan line. However, the name Denpasar appeared before 1788, when the area which was then called Badung was ruled by two twin kingdoms: Puri Pemecutan and Puri Jambe Ksatrya. Denpasar emerged as the center of power when I Gusti Ngurah Made Pemecutan who took over the power of Kyai Jambe Ksatrya chose Denpasar Park as the location of the castle. When Cokorda Alit Ngurah was named the regent of Badung in 1929, a castle was built named Puri Satria. The reason is that Puri Denpasar was destroyed by the Dutch during Puputan Badung and when the Dutch came to power, the former Puri Denpasar was used as the office of the Assistant Resident of South Bali and the Controller of Badung. The new castle built by Cokorda Alit Ngurah was actually named Puri Denpasar. However, because of its location in the former location of Puri Jambe Ksatrya, people know it better as Puri Satria.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Sebagai sebuah puri dan akhirnya kota kerajaan, Denpasar diresmikan pada tahun 1788. Pendiri Puri Denpasar memang I Gusti Ngurah Made Pemecutan, keturunan Puri Pemecutan dari garis Puri Kaler Kawan. Tetapi, nama Denpasar sudah muncul sebelum 1788 yakni manakala wilayah yang kemudian disebut Badung dipimpin dua kerajaan kembar: Puri Pemecutan dan Puri Jambe Ksatrya. Denpasar mengemuka sebagai pusat kekuasaan ketika I Gusti Ngurah Made Pemecutan yang mengambil alih kekuasaan Kyai Jambe Ksatrya memilih Taman Denpasar sebagai lokasi puri. Tatkala Cokorda Alit Ngurah dinobatkan sebagai regent Badung pada tahun 1929, dibangun sebuah puri bernama Puri Satria. Pasalnya, Puri Denpasar sudah dihancurkan Belanda saat Puputan Badung dan saat Belanda berkuasa bekas Puri Denpasar digunakan sebagai kantor Asisten Residen Bali Selatan serta Kontroleur Badung. Puri baru yang didirikan Cokorda Alit Ngurah sebetulnya bernama Puri Denpasar. Tapi, karena lokasinya di bekas lokasi Puri Jambe Ksatrya, masyarakatnya lebih mengenalnya sebagai Puri Satria.


              I Kadek