Pura Teratai Bang

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Revision as of 09:55, 3 January 2022 by I Kadek (talk | contribs)
Pura Bang.jpg
Name of Place
Pura Teratai Bang
        Children's Books
            Holidays and Ceremonies

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              Information about place

              In English

              Teratai Bang Temple is located in Candi Kuning Village, Baturiti, Tabanan. This temple is in the same area as the Eka Karya Botanical Gardens in Bedugul. Entering the temple area in Bukit Tapak, the characteristic is the strong smell of sulfur, because in the temple area there is a spring that emits smoke and smells of sulfur, it is believed, this sulfur arises because of the pleasure of Dewa Agni (god of fire) descending to earth and residing in the temple this, it is not fire that we worship but that creates the power of this fire.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Pura Teratai Bang terletak di Desa Candi Kuning, Baturiti, Tabanan. Pura ini satu kawasan dengan Kebun Raya Eka Karya di Bedugul. Memasuki areal pura di Bukit Tapak, ciri khasnya adalah bau belerang yang menyengat, karena di areal pura ada sumber mata air yg mengeluarkan asap dan berbau belerang, diyakini, belerang ini muncul karena berkenannya Dewa Agni (dewa Api) turun ke bumi dan berstana di Pura ini, bukan api yang kita sembah tapi yang menciptakan kekuatan api ini.
