Nyoman Wirata

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Nyoman wirata.jpg
Full Name
Nyoman Wirata
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In English

Nyoman Wirata was born in Denpasar, 1953. He studied at the Indonesian Fine Arts School (SSRI) Denpasar until he graduated in 1972. He started writing poetry in 1975 and worked as an arts teacher since 1980, retired in 2013 and continues his artistic activities. In 2011 he won an Award from the Principal of SMPN 5 Denpasar as a Literature and as the School Magazine Supervisor for 14 years. In the field of literature, he won 1st Place in Poetry Writing in Bali held by the Bali Provincial Government (1977), 10 Best Poetry in Bali held by the Bali Post (1978), 3rd Place in the National Level Reading Book Writing Competition among Teachers which organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (1993), 2nd place in a novel writing competition held by the Bali Post (2003). His poems have been published in various mass media, such as Bali Post, Kalam, etc. Also included in the books Tutur Batur (2019), Chewing Furious (2018), Marriage Poetry (2017), Klungkung Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta (2016), Dendang Denpasar Nyiur Sanur (2012), Hram (1988). His only poetry book is Celebrating Trees in the Poetry Garden (2007). He received the Widya Pataka Award (2007) and Bali Jani Nugraha (2020) from the Bali Provincial Government. Apart from studying literature, he is also active in painting.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Nyoman Wirata lahir di Denpasar, 1953. Dia menempuh pendidikan di Sekolah Seni Rupa Indonesia (SSRI) Denpasar hingga tamat tahun 1972. Mulai menulis puisi tahun 1975. Bekerja sebagai guru seni budaya sejak tahun 1980, pensiun tahun 2013 dan aktivitas kesenian berlanjut. Tahun 2011 dia meraih Penghargaan dari Kepala Sekolah SMPN 5 Denpasar sebagai Pembina Sastra dan Majalah Sekolah selama 14 Tahun. Dalam bidang sastra, dia pernah meraih Juara 1 Penulisan Puisi se-Bali yang digelar oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Bali (1977), 10 Puisi Terbaik se-Bali yang digelar Bali Post (1978), Juara III Sayembara Penulisan Naskah Buku Bacaan Tingkat Nasional Antar Guru yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (1993), Juara II lomba menulis novel yang digelar Bali Post (2003). Puisi-puisinya dimuat di berbagai media massa, seperti Bali Post, Kalam, dll. Juga terhimpun dalam buku Tutur Batur (2019), Mengunyah Geram (2018), Pernikahan Puisi (2017), Klungkung Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta (2016), Dendang Denpasar Nyiur Sanur (2012), Hram (1988). Buku puisi tunggalnya adalah Merayakan Pohon Di Kebun Puisi (2007). Dia menerima anugerah Widya Pataka (2007) dan Bali Jani Nugraha (2020) dari Pemerintah Provinsi Bali. Selain menekuni sastra, dia aktif melukis.

Examples of work

Merayakan Pohon di Kebun Puisi
Merayakan Pohon di Kebun Puisi.jpg
Pernikahan Puisi