Putu Herry Hermawan Priantara

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Putu Herry Hermawan Priantara
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In English

Putu Herry Hermawan Priantara is a student of the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. Herry actively writes and researches on various topics related to Bali and Hinduism including his work on Balinese Arak entitled "Hidden Potential of Balinese Arak to be the World's Seventh Spirit, from Religious Purpose to Negative Investment List."

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Putu Herry Hermawan Priantara adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. Herry aktif menulis dan meneliti mengenai berbagai topik terkait Bali dan Hindu termasuk karyanya mengenai Arak Bali yang berjudul "Hidden Potential of Arak Bali to be the World's Seventh Spirit, from Religious Purpose to Negative Investment List."

Examples of work

Mamunjung is a form of respect and solidarity with the deceased. It realizes by the family visiting their late relative in cemetery, then spend their time having meals together with the dead. The tradition has been practicing since the Hindu-Buddhist period. It is well developed both in Java and Bali. The community practices this activity on certain days, such as Galungan, Kuningan and Pagerwesi day while in Java, they carry out Memunjung during holidays such as Idul Fitri. Balinese Hindu offers Tampelan punjung and Banten punjung to the spirit of ancestors, families or relatives at home or cemetery. In certain days, the visitor brings the deceased’s favorite food to the cemetery then they enjoy the meal together with the dead. Recently, the custom to visit the grave is rarely done by Balinese, especially to those who live in regional areas that do not have strict rules about burial. Some argue that the increasing Balinese’s standard of living as well as technological advancements, contribute to change people mindset about the funeral in the present. Hence, there are only a few areas that are still practicing burial for the dead.
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