Wayan Sumahardika was born in Denpasar, May 11, 1992. He obtained a Masters degree at Undiksha Language Education Study Program, Singaraja. He became a director, scriptwriter and founder of Teater Kalangan. His manuscript won first place in the Indonesian Monologue Script Contest at the UIN Jakarta Festival, first place in the Traditional Drama Script Writing Competition for the Bali Provincial Culture Service 2018, and 1st Place in the Modern Drama Script Writing Competition for the Bali Provincial Culture Office 2017. Some of his performances were staged at the event. Indonesia V Theater pulpit, Bali Emerging Writers Festival, Bali Arts Festival, Bali Mandara Nawanatya, 100 Putu Wijaya Monologue Festival, Canasta Theater Parade, North Bali Young Theater Parade, Jembrana Hamlet Festival and Bali Language Month Festival in Bali Province. Writings in the form of poetry, short stories, essays, and theater reviews have been published in a number of media such as Indopos, Media Indonesia, Bali Post, Bali Tribune, Tribune Bali, Tatakala.co, Bale Bengong and have been compiled in several anthologies.
Wayan Sumahardika lahir di Denpasar, 11 Mei 1992. Magister Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Undiksha, Singaraja. Menjadi sutradara, penulis naskah sekaligus founder Teater Kalangan. Naskahnya sempat meraih juara I Lomba Naskah Monolog se-Indonesia dalam Pestarama UIN Jakarta, Juara I Lomba Penulisan Naskah Drama Tradisional Naskah Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali 2018, dan Juara 1 Lomba Penulisan Naskah Drama Modern Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali 2017. Beberapa karya pertunjukannya dipentaskan pada acara Mimbar Teater Indonesia V, Bali Emerging Writers Festival, Pesta Kesenian Bali, Bali Mandara Nawanatya, Festival Monolog 100 Putu Wijaya, Parade Teater Canasta, Parade Teater Muda Bali Utara, Festival Dusun Jembrana dan Festival Bulan Bahasa Bali Provinsi Bali. Tulisan berupa puisi, cerpen, esai, dan ulasan teater pernah dimuat di sejumlah media seperti Indopos, Media Indonesia, Bali Post, Bali Tribun, Tribune Bali, Tatkala.co, Bale Bengong serta terhimpun dalam beberapa buku antologi bersama.
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