Muda Wijaya

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Full Name
Muda Wijaya
Pen Name
Kardanis Mudawi Jaya
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In English

MUDA WIJAYA is a poet and theater actor who was born in 1974 in Kecicang, Karangasem, Bali. Completed education in Denpasar equivalent to high school in 1993.

He was active in the Got Denpasar Theater and was involved in a number of performances in several places in Bali. Together with the SatuKosongElapan group, they played the script Death of A Salesman (2004) at Taman Ismail Marzuki in the Indonesian Realist Theater Stage. One of his poems was included in the Ten Best Poetry Writing Contest in Bali (2002) which was held at Udayana University Orok Theater.

Winner of a poetry and short story writing competition at Balai Bahasa in Bali (2004). A number of his poems have been published in local and national mass media, including: Media Indonesia, Bali Post. Warta Bali, Cultural Traces Magazine (Banyuwangi), GM – Independent. His poetry has also been included in the poetry anthology with God of the Sky So Empty (Denpasar Language Center – 2004), short story nomination in the Tower anthology book (Denpasar Language Center – 2004), the anthology with Maha Duka Aceh published by PDS. HB. Jassin (2005), anthology of poetry from the Spirit of the Poets of Bali – West Java (Bukupop 2005), Jogja 5.9 Rithcer Scale (Bentang – 2006), Herbarium Poetry Anthology 4 Cities (Pustaka Pujangga – 2007).

He has performed as a single performance art in the Gigir Manuk Multicultural Camp (2002) in KubuAddan, Buleleng, Bali. And was involved in a collaboration with William Miranda from Canada in the Eidepus Dance Drama which was played at the 2006 Bali Arts Festival.

His book of poetry is entitled "Kalimah". Now he is active in Jatijagat Poetry Village, Bali.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

MUDA WIJAYA Adalah penyair dan aktor teater yang lahir pada tahun 1974 di Kecicang, Karangasem, Bali. Menyelesaikan pendidikan di Denpasar sederajat SMU thn 1993.

Pernah aktif dalam Teater Got Denpasar dan terlibat dalam sejumlah pementasan di beberapa tempat di Bali. Bersama kelompok SatuKosongDelapan memainkan naskah Death of A Salesman (2004) di Taman Ismail Marzuki dalam acara Panggung Teater Realis Indonesia. Sebuah puisinya masuk dalam Sepuluh Terbaik Lomba Penulisan Puisi se-Bali (2002) yang di gelar Teater Orok Universitas Udayana.

Pemenang sayembara penulisan puisi dan cerpen Balai Bahasa se-Bali (2004). Sejumlah puisinya telah dimuat media massa lokal dan nasional, antara lain: Media Indonesia, Bali Post. Warta Bali, Majalah Budaya Jejak (Banyuwangi), GM – Independen. Puisinya juga masuk dalam antologi puisi bersama Tuhan Langit Begitu Kosong (Balai Bahasa Denpasar – 2004), nominasi cerpen dalam buku antologi Tower (Balai Bahasa Denpasar – 2004), antologi bersama Maha Duka Aceh diterbitkan PDS. HB. Jassin (2005), antologi puisi Roh dari Para Penyair Bali – Jawa Barat (Bukupop 2005), Jogja 5,9 Skala Rithcer (Bentang – 2006) , Herbarium Antologi Puisi 4 Kota (Pustaka Pujangga – 2007).

Pernah tampil tunggal performance art dalam Gigir Manuk Multicultural Camp (2002) di Kubutambahan, Buleleng, Bali. Dan pernah terlibat kolaborasi bersama William Miranda dari Kanada dalam Drama Tari Eidepus yang dimainkan dalam Pesta Kesenian Bali 2006.

Buku puisinya bertajuk “Kalimah”. Kini dia bergiat di Jatijagat Kampung Puisi, Bali.

Examples of work

Kalimah, muda wijaya.jpg