Ketut Widiyazid Soethama

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Full Name
Ketut Widiyazid Soethama
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In English

Ketut Widiyazid Soethama was born in Denpasar, December 4, 1960. Since elementary school he has been fond of painting, including the Balinese Kamasan puppet, has been published many times in the children's section of the Kompas daily. Then since he was a teenager he has been writing poetry and has been published in the Bali Post. During his studies at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, he founded the music group Gress Country, released an album of Balinese pop songs (1987), with his siblings and relatives, while being active in theater performances. While working at the Bali Agricultural Information Center he made several comics on agricultural extension, then spent his days as an agricultural consultant for the European Union and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Papua and East Nusa Tenggara. He died in Denpasar on January 15, 2016.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ketut Widiyazid Soethama lahir di Denpasar, 4 Desember 1960. Sejak SD ia senang melukis, termasuk wayang Kamasan Bali, dimuat berkali-kali di rubrik anak-anak harian Kompas. Kemudian sejak remaja dia rajin menulis puisi dan banyak dimuat di Bali Post. Semasa kuliah di Fakutas Pertanian Universitas Udayana ia mendirikan grup musik Gress Country, sempat merilis satu album lagu pop Bali (1987), bersama adik-adik dan kerabatnya, sembari aktif dalam pementasan teater. Ketika bekerja di Balai Informasi Pertanian Bali ia membuat beberapa komik tentang penyuluhan pertanian, kemudian menghabiskan hari-harinya sebagai konsultan pertanian untuk Uni Eropa dan Program Pembangunan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (UNDP) di Papua dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Ia meninggal di Denpasar 15 Januari 2016.

Examples of work

Sajak Boneka
Ketika Siang di Rumah Sakit