Nyoman Gunarsa

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Full Name
Nyoman Gunarsa
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In English

Nyoman Gunarsa was born in Klungkung, April 15, 1944. He graduated from ASRI Yogyakarta. He is one of the founders and important figures of Sanggar Dewata Indonesia. In 1989, he founded the Nyoman Gunarsa Indonesian Museum of Contemporary Painting in Yogyakarta and in 1994 founded the Nyoman Gunarsa Balinese Classical Painting Museum in Klungkung. He has exhibited his works at home and abroad. Many of his works feature figures of Legong dancers with expressive strokes. He won the Dharma Kusuma award from the Provincial Government of Bali in 1994. In 2017, Gunarsa passed away.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Nyoman Gunarsa lahir di Klungkung, 15 April 1944. Lulusan ASRI Yogyakarta. Dia salah satu pendiri dan tokoh penting Sanggar Dewata Indonesia. Pada 1989, dia mendirikan Museum Seni Lukis Kontemporer Indonesia Nyoman Gunarsa di Yogyakarta dan tahun 1994 mendirikan Museum Seni Lukis Klasik Bali Nyoman Gunarsa di Klungkung. Dia telah memamerkan karya-karyanya di dalam dan luar negeri. Karya-karyanya banyak menampilkan figur-figur penari Legong dengan goresan-goresan yang ekspresif. Dia meraih penghargaan Dharma Kusuma dari Pemerintah Propinvi Bali pada 1994. Pada tahun 2017, Gunarsa meninggal dunia.

Examples of work

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