Ngolah Luu Peken

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Revision as of 05:54, 8 October 2021 by Dwi Jayanthi (talk | contribs)
SMPN 2 Singaraja tim 1.png
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Ngolah Luu Peken
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SMPN 2 Singaraja
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@widwidyaaw @marsintia_ @ndyiam._ @putudynaariesta @dewayudeaa
Ngolah Luu

Jury comments

Bila ingin menekankan pemanfaatan sampah plastik menjadi kerajinan tangan seperti celenggan, pot bungan, dll., maka fokus pada tutorial pembuatannya, agar bisa diadopsi idenya oleh penonton. Dwi Jayanthi - PlastikDetox

Marsintia Yanti

36 months ago
Votes 6++
Semangat kita<3

Dyna Ariesta

36 months ago
Votes 6++

Nadiah maharani

36 months ago
Votes 7++
semangat 💘

Puspita Widyaningsih

36 months ago
Votes 56++
Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk orang lain dan bisa menginspirasi khalayak untuk mengembangkan kreativitas yang bermodalkan sampah. Karena selain bisa menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, kegiatan mengolah sampah juga bisa menguntungkan dalam kegiatan ekonomi.

Tirta Sukrisna

36 months ago
Votes 4++

Oman Wahyu

36 months ago
Votes 4++
semangat terus ya kalian, semoga aksi yg kalian lakukan bisa dicontoh oleh orang lain dan bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat lain dan lingkungan sekitar kita. Oh iya video kalian keren sekali, sangat terlihat jiwa sosialnya dan kalian sangat luar biasa🙏🏻, good luck😉


36 months ago
Votes 5++
Semangat anaknya bunda 😘😇


36 months ago
Votes 6++
Semangat kakak


36 months ago
Votes 5++
Berkreativitaslah tanpa batas, anak-anak muda memang harus menjadi tonggak inspiratif bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Tetap semangat meskipun di masa pandemi Covid-19💪👍

Luh Putu

36 months ago
Votes 3++
Ngiring kirangin luu plastik nyangra Bali Asri👍👍


36 months ago
Votes 3++
Semangat yaa klian

Dewa Ayu Dea

36 months ago
Votes 3++

Agas Ganteng

36 months ago
Votes 2++
Semangat untuk generasi penerus bangsa, jaga bumi kita!


36 months ago
Votes 2++

Gusti Mas

36 months ago
Votes 2++
keren banget gaiss, semoga menang yaa

Badra Sandita

36 months ago
Votes 2++
Semangat kak


36 months ago
Votes 1++
Bagus kali kak, semangat Kak Widya, Kak Yayak, Kak Dyna, Kak Nadiah, dan Kak Dewayu<3

Dinda Pratiwi

36 months ago
Votes 1++

Ni Kadek Yuti Wiratny

36 months ago
Votes 2++
Nggh luu ring Kahuripan mangkin sampun sayan ngajehang antuk punika ngiring ngicenin parilaksana utamane ngirangin luu plastik utawi sampah an organik nanging mangda nadosang sampah puniki polih pangarga mangda jagat Bali Nenti keni cemar Liu plastik

Made Pratama

36 months ago
Votes 1++
Semangat kk

Putu Eka Suci Pertami

36 months ago
Votes 1++

Alit-alit sane kreatif niki,, 👍👍 ngirangin luu antuk dadosang asil karya sane mawiguna pisan,,.

Teruslah berkarya👍🙏

Agus Sanjaya

36 months ago
Votes 1++
kerennn, semangat terus yaaa


36 months ago
Votes 1++
semangat yaa Klian, semoga menangg


36 months ago
Votes 1++
You guys are very creative, success is always for the group of young people who care about trash

Putu pirlo natha wicaksana

36 months ago
Votes 1++
Semangat kak, bagus kali

Kadek Febri Angelina C

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Amazing guyss, kalian semua hebat, proud of you all!

Gede Aryanata

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Kreatif pisan alit-alite, dumogi mangda asri lan rahayu jagat baline


36 months ago
Votes 0++
aduhh sangat menginspirasi, semangat anak-anak cantik🙏👍

Dayu Karunia Savitri

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Keren oii, mangat terus kawand

Nabila astuti

36 months ago
Votes 0++
kece banget temenku

Gusti Made Ayu Nanda Cendani

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Semoga mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik ya teman-teman

Agus Yuda

36 months ago
Votes 0++
ayo semangat semua, pasti juara


36 months ago
Votes 0++

Luh Gede Ratih Prabha

36 months ago
Votes 0++

I Gusti Agung Ayu Ranum K

36 months ago
Votes 0++
keren, semangat teruss gais<3


36 months ago
Votes 0++
asikkk keren


36 months ago
Votes 0++
videonya keren dan sangat menginspirasi anak muda


36 months ago
Votes 0++
Semangat nggih kalian, karya kalian keren, dumogi menang nih🙏

Putu Larasati

36 months ago
Votes 0++
ini karya terbaik, aksinya keren mantap

Kadek nia pratiwi

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Fix sih awesome bangett klean

Gusti Ayu Ashira

36 months ago
Votes 0++

Trisanti Abrilia

36 months ago
Votes 0++
benar-benar sangat bermanfaat, semoga masih banyak anak muda yang tidak malu untuk melakukan aksi menyelamatkan bumi dimana pun, dan kapanpun.

Yoga Adiputra Komang

36 months ago
Votes 0++
semangat adikkk!

Putu Kesya Widiareni

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Bagus bangett

Yunda Arsitani

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Ayo yang lain, tiru mereka ya sebagai anak muda yang berwawasan luas dan tindakan positif

Erina Bulan Widiastuti

36 months ago
Votes 0++
hasilnya keren banget dong, estetik lagi videonya


36 months ago
Votes 0++
semangat yaa

Opit Rasya

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Keren banget

Vitri Rahayu

36 months ago
Votes 0++
wahh baguss banget woi

Dwita Putri

36 months ago
Votes 0++
Keren, semangat terus
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Additional Photos

The market is a fairly large contributor to plastic waste in Indonesia. In connection with our area, there is the Banyuasri Market, which incidentally has just been opened and it turns out that there is a lot of garbage. Therefore, my friends and I were inspired to turn waste into something with economic value. We turn plastic waste, cardboard, newspapers, and used cans into piggy banks, flower pots, lampshades, flower bouquets, small bags, photo frames, and pencil cases. In addition to reducing the quantity of plastic waste, our activities also make economic activities more comfortable because the market is cleaner and more beautiful and we also get a little profit from selling handicrafts made from waste. Keep the environment clean and be creative as innovative as possible for a bright future for the earth.

Terinsipirasi dari maraknya limbah plastik yang melimpah ruah.


The market is a fairly large contributor to plastic waste in Indonesia. In connection with our area, there is the Banyuasri Market, which incidentally has just been opened and it turns out that there is a lot of garbage. Therefore, my friends and I were inspired to turn waste into something with economic value. We turn plastic waste, cardboard, newspapers, and used cans into piggy banks, flower pots, lampshades, flower bouquets, small bags, photo frames, and pencil cases. In addition to reducing the quantity of plastic waste, our activities also make economic activities more comfortable because the market is cleaner and more beautiful and we also get a little profit from selling handicrafts made from waste. Keep the environment clean and be creative as innovative as possible for a bright future for the earth.

Why does the innovation or project matter?

This is because public awareness of waste is still lacking, especially in traditional markets. Moreover, Banyuasri Market is a market that is still relatively new and has a lot of waste. Also the benefits of our project are many, including preserving the environment and developing a creative economy with waste capital.

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

Because this project is very simple and does not cost much to implement.

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

People/groups to contact

1. Ni Luh Mang Puspita Widyaningsih

2. Putu Nadiah Puspa Maharani 3. Made Wahyu Marsintia Yanti 4. Putu Dyna Ariesta

5. Dewa Ayu Anggan Dea Pramesti