Wirata Parwa

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Wirata parwa.jpg
Title of Work
Wirata Parwa
⧼IdentificationMap-parwa of Mahabharata⧽
Photo Reference
Maharsi Byasa
Background information

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    In English

    [EN] In the thirteenth year, the Pandavas disguised as ordinary people and served in the kingdom of Wirata. Yudhisthira became Kangka, a legal advisor. Bhima became a cook named Balawa. From this word 'balawa' comes the word 'belawa' in the Balinese language, those who are in charge of cooking during piodalan day in a temple or when there are other ceremonies. Arjuna became a transvestite (because of being cursed by Urwasi) for a year. Nakula and Sahadewa disguised as caretakers of cows and horse keepers. Meanwhile, Drupadi became the queen’s servant. The story in Wirata Parwa was very touching. This Parwa also tells about the murder of Kicaka, the prince of Wirata who tried to rape Drupadi.

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian

    Di tahun ketiga belas, para Pandawa menyamar menjadi rakyat biasa dan mengabdi di kerajaan Wirata. Yudhisthira menjadi Kangka, seorang penasihat hukum. Bhima menjadi tukang masak bernama Balawa. Dari kata ‘balawa’ inilah muncul kata ‘belawa’ dalam bahasa Bali, yaitu mereka yang bertugas memasak tatkala piodalan di pura atau ketika ada upacara lain. Arjuna menjadi seorang banci (karena dikutuk oleh Urwasi) selama setahun. Nakula dan Sahadewa menjadi pengurus sapi dan pemelihara kuda. Sementara itu, Drupadi menjadi pelayan ratu. Kisah dalam Wirata Parwa sangat mengharukan. Dalam Parwa ini dikisahkan juga tentang pembunuhan Kicaka, sang pangeran Wirata yang mencoba memperkosa Drupadi.

    Text Excerpt

    Bahasa Kawi/Kuno

    In English

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian
