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Melasti at Ungasan -Badung -Bali

Melasti at Ungasan -Badung -Bali
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I Wayan Gunayasa Yan
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In English

Melasti is a purification or cleansing of the instruments that will be held at the temple. Melasti is usually carried out on the beach but in several places in Bali it can also be done in rivers or lakes. The people who will carry out the ceremony at their temple will voluntarily take part on foot to the place of confirmation.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Melasti adalah rangkaian upacara ketika akan mengadakan upacara di pura keluarga atau pura desa, Melasti adalah penyucian atau pembersihan perangkat-perangkat yanga akan di upacarai di pura. Melasti biasanya di laksanakan di pantai tetapi dibeberapa tempat di Bali bisa juga di sungai atau danau. Masyarakat yang akan melaksanakan upacara di puranya akan dengan sukarela ikut berjalan kaki menuju tempat pemelastian.