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  • noni; a tree that has many benefits, including the Rubiaceae tribe, the fruit is cloudy white, round to ovate, the surface is lumpy, has a lot of seeds, the flesh of the fruit is soft and contains lots of water, it tastes a bit sour, is used as a urinary laxative and can reduce pressure high blood pressure, the leaves are used as a medicine for stomach aches, the roots and bark of the stems contain a red dye used in batik; also called bengkudu, pace, kemudu (Morinda citrifolia) (Mider) (Noun) en
  • mengkudu; pohon yang banyak manfaatnya, termasuk suku Rubiaceae, buahnya berwarna putih keruh berbentuk bulat sampai bulat telur, permukaannya berbenjol-benjol, berbiji banyak, daging buahnya yang masak lunak dan banyak mengandung air, rasanya agak masam, digunakan sebagai obat peluruh kencing dan dapat menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, daunnya digunakan sebagai obat sakit perut, akar dan kulit batangnya mengandung zat warna merah yang dipakai dalam pembatikan; bengkudu; pace; kemudu (Morinda citrifolia) (Mider) (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Ipun nandur tengeh ring abian.
He planted noni in the garden.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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