" Kali Citta Pralaya " Ogoh Ogoh from ST. Tunas Muda who is a reminder to the government not to make selfish decisions without regard to the condition of its people.
It is important for the government to be responsive to tourist arrivals in Bali by strictly regulating tourist entry. Stricter enforcement of regulations is needed to maintain balance and security in these tourist destinations.
Convey the LKPJ Regent of Klungkung 2023 and now the development of Klungkung 2024 is being hampered by waste, one of which is the abundance of waste at the Klungkung SENTE TPA, therefore there is a need for solutions and handling.
Wikithon is a web that contains information about Balinese, Indonesian, English as a new means for the younger generation to learn about languages in the modern era.
Wikithon is a web that contains information about Balinese, Indonesian, and English as a new means for the younger generation to learn about languages in the modern era.
Wiki Animation which provide animation in Balinese and Wiki Complete Dictionary which provide translation of complete sentences are the way to maximize the BASAbali Wiki website in dealing with issues in Bali.
Tolerance and harmony between religious communities are like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated from one another. Tolerance between religious communities is reflected in actions or deeds that show people respect, respect, help, love, and others.
Solutive opinion that is able to provide solutions to the public in overcoming public issues in the current era with the latest breakthroughs and maximizing technology such as BASAbali Wiki