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Tari Puspa Wresti

Type of Performance
Photo reference
Tari Kreasi Balih Balihan
I Nyoman Windha
I Wayan Dibia
Musicians, group or orchestra
  • Sanggar Seni Çudamani
Singer(s)/Dancer(s) or troupe
  • Sanggar Seni Çudamani
Place of origin
Singapadu, Bali
Gamelan Gong Kebyar
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      In English

      The Puspawresti dance was created by choreographer I Wayan Dibia and the music by I Nyoman Windha, both Balinese artists who have created many amazing dances and musical compositions. Puspawresti dance is a dance that is inspired by the pependetan dance in temples in the Bali Region. Puspawresti dance which comes from the words Puspa which means flower and wresti which means rain, was created following the movements of the Pendet, Gabor, Rejang and Baris Gede dances. Usually danced by 4 female dancers and 4 male dancers. The female dancers carry bowls filled with colorful flowers, which are escorted by male dancers carrying spears.

      In Balinese

      In Indonesian

      Tari Puspawresti diciptakan oleh koreografer I Wayan Dibia dan musiknya oleh I Nyoman Windha, keduanya adalah seniman Bali yang telah menciptakan banyak tarian dan komposisi musik luar biasa. Tari Puspawresti merupakan tari yang terinspirasi dari tarian pependetan yang ada di pura di Daerah Bali. Tari Puspawresti yangberasal dari kata Puspa yang berarti bunga dan wresti yang berarti hujan, diciptakan mengikuti gerak-gerik tari pendet,Gabor, Rejang dan Baris Gede. Biasanya ditarikan oleh 4 orang penari wanita dan 4 orang penari pria. Para penari wanita membawa bokor berisikan bunga yang berwarna-warni, yang dikawal oleh penari pria yang membawa tombak.

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