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Panca wara

panca wara

  • five cycles of daily turnover with urip amount 33 as a basis for according to the Satha Pata Brahmana concept where 33 of the Gods are believed to play a role in maintaining the safety of the great Bhuwana (Mider) (Noun) en
  • Umanis, Paing, Pon, Wagé, Keliwon (Noun) en
  • lima siklus perputaran hari dengan jumlah urip 33 sebagai dasar caru yang menurut konsep Satha Pata Brahmana dimana 33 para Dewata tersebut diyakini berperan menjaga keselamatan bhuwana agung (Mider) (Noun) id
  • Umanis, Paing, Pon, Wagé, Keliwon (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Kliwon inggih punika silih tunggil pahan Panca Wara.
Kliwon is a part of Panca Wara.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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