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Usage Examples

Luh Ayu Manik lantas mabalik nuju ojeke ane suba makelo ngantiang. Luh Ayu lantas nglanturang pajalanne mulih. Teked di arepan umahne, dapetanga memenne mara macelep ka umahne. Suud mayah ongkos ojek, Luh Ayu Manik laut nutug memenne. Umahne tusing ja linggah, kewala di umahne ento ada kamar ane adanina Kamar 21. Kamar 21 ene tusing ja len wantah perpustakaan, misi makudang buku bacaan, buku paplajahan, keto masih misi komputer paling canggih ane biasa anggona nonlud buku-buku online. Buku ane mara baanga teken bulene, pejanga di lemari bukune.
[example 1]
Luh Ayu Manik then returned to the ojek rider who had been waiting a long while and they continued on their way. On arriving home, she saw that her mother had just gone into the house. After paying the 'ojek' rider, she followed her mother into the house. The house wasn't big but in the house there was a room which she had named ‘Room 21’. It was like a library filled with reading books, study books and the latest model computer which she used to download more online books. She placed the book, which the tourist had just given her, on the bookshelf.

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