Ni Wayan Idayati

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Ni Wayan Idayati
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In English

Born in Denpasar, April 14, 1990, Ni Wayan Idayati writes poetry, essays and journalistic news. Her poetry has been published in the People's Mind, Bali Post, Lombok Post, Bali Sruti Journal, Le Banian Journal (Published in France). Her essays were published in Tempo, the Bali Tribune, Esensi & Nuansa Magazine (published by the Language Agency) and the Bali Tribune. Together with the Denpasar Sahaja Community, they are active in arts, culture, and literary discussions, as well as fostering creative communities and now they are part of the program at Bentara Budaya Bali (the cultural space of Kompas Gramedia).

In 2018, her poems passed the curation number for poetry anthologies and poet gatherings, including: Poet Gathering “From the Land of Poci 8: Negeri Bahari” in Tegal, Central Java; the anthology “Smile of the Valley of Ijen” and the National Literature Camp in Banyuwangi; Southeast Asian Poets Meeting 2018 in Padang Panjang; National Poets Meeting in Pematangsiantar; a poetry anthology with “Women Seeing the World” by the Sangkar Buku Community in Mojokerto and a poetry anthology with “Perempuan Bahari” (soon to be published).

She was invited to the VI Nusantara Poets Meeting (PPN) in Jambi (2012) and the 2015 Bali Emerging Writers Festival (BEWF), an annual literary festival that is part of the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF) program. Entered in 175 Poets Selected Poetry Anthology From Negei Poci 6: Land of the Sea (2015), 39 Poets Chosen Poetry Writing Contest “Under the Black Umbrella” Indonesian Art Project Mourning (2015), 50 Poetry Chosen Poetry Competition for Andalas Coffee Community National (2013), the Top 5 of the Best Poetry Contest in the Archipelago (SCKS), and the Top 6 of the Best Poetry RBSCKS (2012) which were held at the Udayana Faculty of Letters (2012).

Her poems are also collected in the Book of Joint Poetry Anthology “Dendang Denpasar, Nyiur Sanur” (2012), Poetry Anthology of the VI Nusantara Poets Meeting “Sauk Seloko” (2012), Joint Poetry Anthology of Andalas Coffee Community Poetry Competition (2013), Poetry Anthology From the Land of Poci 6: The Land of the Sea (2015), The Anthology Book “From Fear to Be Strong” The Indonesian Art of Mourning Community Berkabung (2015), The Anthology of Poetry Books “Klungkung” (2016), The 2016 Indonesian Poetry Day Anthology Book 'Matahari Cinta Samudera Kata' , Anthology of Spiritual and Social Poems "Cavalry Night", published by Abdurrahman Wahid Center UI (2017).

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Dilahirkan di Denpasar, 14 April 1990. Menulis puisi, esai dan berita jurnalistik. Puisinya pernah diterbitkan di Pikiran Rakyat, Bali Post, Lombok Post, Jurnal Bali Sruti, Jurnal Le Banian (Terbit di Prancis). Esai-esainya dimuat Koran Tempo, Tribun Bali, Majalah Esensi & Nuansa (terbitan Badan Bahasa) dan Bali Tribune. Bersama Komunitas Sahaja Denpasar aktif dalam kegiatan kesenian, kebudayaan, dan diskusi sastra, serta pembinaan komunitas kreatif. Kini sebagai bagian program di Bentara Budaya Bali (ruang kebudayaan Kompas Gramedia).

Pada tahun 2018, puisi-puisinya lolos sejumlah kurasi antologi puisi dan temu penyair, antara lain: Pertemuan Penyair “Dari Negeri Poci 8: Negeri Bahari” di Tegal Jawa Tengah; antologi “Senyum Lembah Ijen” dan Kemah Sastra Nasional di Banyuwangi; Pertemuan Penyair Asia Tenggara 2018 di Padang Panjang; Pertemuan Penyair Nasional di Pematangsiantar; antologi puisi bersama “Perempuan Memandang Dunia” oleh Komunitas Sangkar Buku di Mojokerto dan antologi puisi bersama “Perempuan Bahari” (segera terbit).

Pernah diundang dalam Pertemuan Penyair Nusantara (PPN) VI di Jambi (2012) dan Bali Emerging Writers Festival (BEWF) 2015, sebuah festival sastra tahunan yang merupakan bagian dari program Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF). Masuk dalam 175 Penyair Terpilih Antologi Puisi Dari Negei Poci 6: Negeri Laut (2015), 39 Penyair Terpilih Lomba Cipta Puisi “Di Bawah Payung Hitam” Proyek Seni Indonesia Berkabung (2015), 50 Puisi Terpilih Lomba Cipta Puisi Nasional Komunitas Kopi Andalas (2013), 5 Besar Terbaik Lomba Cipta Puisi se-Nusantara (SCKS), serta 6 Besar Puisi Terbaik RBSCKS (2012) yang diadakan Fakultas Sastra Udayana (2012).

Puisi-puisinya terhimpun pula dalam Buku Antologi Puisi Bersama “Dendang Denpasar, Nyiur Sanur” (2012), Antologi Puisi Pertemuan Penyair Nusantara VI “Sauk Seloko” (2012), Antologi Puisi Bersama Lomba Cipta Puisi Komunitas Kopi Andalas (2013), Antologi Puisi Dari Negeri Poci 6: Negeri Laut (2015), Buku Antologi “Dari Gentar Menjadi Tegar” Komunitas Bergerak Seni Indonesia Berkabung (2015), Buku Antologi Puisi “Klungkung” (2016), Buku Antologi Hari Puisi Indonesia 2016 ‘Matahari Cinta Samudera Kata’, Buku Antologi Puisi-Puisi Spriritual dan Sosial “Kavaleri Malam Hari”, diterbitkan Abdurrahman Wahid Centre UI (2017).

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Di Lorong Rumah Sakit