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  • incarnate (Verb) en
  • menjelma (Verb) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

"Manut sakadi kaprecayan para jana Baline, upacara ngaben wantah silih tunggil dasar sane pinih mabuat sajroning gagelaran kadiatmikan utawi 'kehidupan spiritual' jadmane. Maduluran antuk upacara pangabenan, atman manusane kelepasang saking angga sarira, mangda prasida ngungsi suarga tur manresti malih ka jagate."
[example 1]
"Accord­ing to Bali­nese Hindu beliefs, the cre­ma­tion cer­e­mony, or ngaben, is one of the most impor­tant steps in a person’s spir­i­tual life. It is through cre­ma­tion that the soul is released from the body to ascend to heaven to be reincarnated."

Iriki Pragina Sasolahan Manuk sumeken ngatonang ring Ida Gusti Ayu Suartini, bajang Bali sane madue sindrom Tourette. Krama desa genanhnyane meneng, nyingakin saha ngwalek utawi antuk rasa kangen. Kakungkung ring kasunian, gusti raris nakenang napi sujatine unteng urip idane wusan tan sumanggem ring sekancan tamba, inggihan tamba tradisional miwah barat sane kamargiang ida. Pragina Sasolahan Manuk nginutin utsaha ida sane banban alon, karasang sakit, lan wani ring sajeroning makarya urip sane pageh anggen raganyane, sapisan nyingak puaran sane ageng saking panampen miwah panulak kulawarga miwah para kramane majeng pamargin urip anake sane keni kasungkan neuropskiatri.
[example 2]
The Bird Dancer focuses on Gusti Ayu Suar­tini, a young Bali­nese woman liv­ing with Tourette’s syn­drome. Mem­bers of Gusti’s small rural com­mu­nity regard her with scorn or pity. Mired in lone­li­ness, Gusti begins to ques­tion the mean­ing­ful­ness of her exis­tence after treat­ment by West­ern and tra­di­tional prac­ti­tion­ers fails. The Bird Dancer fol­lows her slow, painful, and coura­geous effort to cre­ate an inde­pen­dent life for her­self and addresses the pro­found impact of fam­ily and community’s accep­tance or rejec­tion on the life­course of per­sons liv­ing with a neu­ropsy­chi­atric disorder.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

No examples collected yet.

  1. Elemental Productions (permission from Robert Lemelson):
  2. Elemental Productions (permission from Robert Lemelson):