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    In English

    they tell their complaints about online learning, it makes them bored, tired because of the many assignments, and one of them doesn't know all of their classmates because they are new students at school, and don't even know where the canteen and toilets are at his school, and among those who think positively about the government's recommendation not to do face-to-face learning, and he invites his friends to always apply the health protocol, namely 3M.

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian

    mereka menceritakan keluh kesah mereka tentang pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring/online,membuat mereka bosan,capek karena banyaknya tugas,dan salah satu dari mereka ada yang belum mengenal semua teman kelasnya dikarenakan mereka murid baru di sekolahnya,dan bahkan belum mengetahui dimana kantin dan toilet di sekolahnya,dan adapun diantara mereka yang berfikiran positif akan anjuran pemerintah untuk tidak melakukan pembelajaran secara tatap muka,dan ia mengajak temannya untuk senantiasa menerapkan protokol kesehatan yaitu 3M.