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As Bali attempts to forge a new era, we need to stop spinning fables about it and listen to Balinese

As Bali attempts to forge a new era, we need to stop spinning fables about it and listen to Balinese
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    • Property "Writer" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.Julia Winterflood
    • Julia Winterflood
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    Julia Winterflood
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    In English

    "After three months of Covid19 containment efforts, Bali’s economy—of which around half is drawn directly from tourism—is the worst hit in Indonesia. The central bank reported a contraction of 10.98 percent in the province for the second quarter of 2020. Many Balinese say that this period has been more financially difficult than the downturn following the 2002 Bali bombings and the 2017 Mount Agung eruptions—combined." Read the full article at

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian