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Manusia Hindu dan Alam

Manusia Hindu dan Alam
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    CV. Setia Bakti
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      CV. Setia Bakti
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                        This book is an alternative for those who want to understand the importance of nature for humans. Not only because it starts with the question why humans should protect nature? But how do humans do it. In addition, what is more serious is whether humans are part of nature so that they are so dependent on it, or whether they are actually distant. Through this paper, the author intends to emphasize that human life is very dependent on nature? All of his life needs have been provided by nature. Meanwhile, in the Hindu concept, the relationship between humans and nature cannot be separated, because every self-forming element is related to nature. For that, humans are expected to have cosmic awareness


                        <ul><li>Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "This book is an alternative for those who want to understand the importance of nature for humans. Not only because it starts with the question why humans should protect nature? But how do humans do it. In addition, what is more serious is whether humans are part of nature so that they are so dependent on it, or whether they are actually distant. Through this paper, the author intends to emphasize that human life is very dependent on nature? All of his life needs have been provided by nature. Meanwhile, in the Hindu concept, the relationship between humans and nature cannot be separated, because every self-forming element is related to nature. For that, humans are expected to have cosmic awareness" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic id" (as page type) with input value "Buku ini merupakan alternative bagi yang ingin memahami arti penting alam bagi manusia. Bukan saja karena dimulai dengan pertanyaan mengapa manusia harus melindungi alam? Namun bagaimana manusia melakukannya. Selain itu, yang lebih serius, apakah manusia menjadi bagian dari alam sehingga ia begitu bergantung darinya, atau apakah ia sebenarnya berjarak. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis bermaksud menekankan bahwa hidup manusia sangat bergantung dari alam? Seluruh kebutuhan hidupnya telah disediakan alam. Sementara itu, dalam konsep Hindu hubungan manusia dengan alam tidak bisa dipisahkan, karena setiap unsur pembentuk diri berkaitan dengan alam. Untuk itu, manusia diharapkan memiliki kesadaran kosmis." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic ban" (as page type) with input value "Buku puniki wantah silih tunggil sarana sane prasida kaanggen nyuksmayang kawentenan palemahan majeng imanusa. Nenta ja wantah kawiwitin antuk pitaken sapunapi raris sapatutnyane imanusa ngraksa palehamanne? Sakewanten sapunapi laksanannyane. Tiosan punika sane utama pisan, napike sujatinnyane manusa puniki matunggilan kapining palemahanne raris punika ngawinang palemahanne mabuat pisan kapining imanusa, utawi napike imanusa madohan saking palemahanne? Maka sami sane buatanga kapining imanusa ring kahuripan puniki sampun kasiagayang olih palemahanne. Salanturnyane, ring sajeroning ajah-ajahan agama Hindu, pakilitan imanusa kapining palemahan punika nenten prasida kapalasan, santukan sakancan kahanan sane ngwanun anggan imanusa punika mawit saking palemahan. Sapunika mawinan, manusane kaaptiang mangdane eling ring kawentenan jagat kadi asapunika." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>