Putu Desy Apriliani

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Putu Desy Apriliani
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Putu Desy Apriliani
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In English

Putu Desy Apriliani is one of the young and promising faculty members in the Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University, Bali - Indonesia. She has been a part of the "Orange Academia," a call for the faculty's students, alumni, and faculty members, since 2006. Her research interests encompass rural economic development, various democratic and community-based associations, and their intersection with gender and race. She primarily teaches undergraduate classes while also becomes a facilitator for various trainings within and beyond the university.

Putu Desy Apriliani was a Fulbright Scholarship awardee from 2014-2019 to pursue a doctoral study in the U.S. She holds a Ph.D in Planning, Government, and Globalization from the School of Public and International Affairs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia. While pursuing her doctoral degree, Putu was also actively involved in the Indonesian Students Association in the United States (PERMIAS) and led the organization to conduct several fund raising events and cultural exhibitions. She contributed her talents in various efforts in order to introduce Balinese culture together with other Indonesian/Balinese community organizations in the U.S.

In her spare time, Putu loves spending time with her husband and her 2-year-old daughter, cooking, and gardening.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Putu Desy Apriliani adalah salah satu dosen muda yang aktif dan menjanjikan di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana, Bali - Indonesia. Dia telah menjadi bagian dari Civitas Akademika Oranye, panggilan khas bagi seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan dosen di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, sejak tahun 2006. Bidang riset keahliannya mencakup pembangunan ekonomi regional dan perdesaan, berbagai bentuk asosiasi demokratis berbasis komunitas, serta kaitannya terhadap isu ras dan gender. Putu Desy umumnya mengasuh kelas-kelas sarjana strata satu sembari menjadi fasilitator berbagai pelatihan di dalam dan di luar kampus.

Putu Desy Apriliani adalah penerima beasiswa Fulbright dari tahun 2014-2019 untuk menempuh studi doktoral di Amerika Serikat. Dia menyandang gelar Ph.D di bidang Perencanaan, Pemerintah, dan Globalisasi dari School of Public and International Affairs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia. Selama menempuh studi, Putu juga aktif terlibat dalam Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat (PERMIAS) dan telah berhasil memimpin organisasi dalam berbagai aktivitas penggalangan dana dan pengenalan budaya. Dia juga aktif berkontribusi dalam sejumlah acara yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan budaya Indonesia/Bali kepada khalayak ramai bersama-sama dengan organisasi diaspora Indonesia/Bali di Amerika Serikat.

Di waktu senggangnya, Putu senang menghabiskan waktu bersama suami dan anak balitanya, memasak, dan berkebun.

Examples of work

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Women, as housewives, join the workforce to help their families finance. The quality of life of women in this study was influenced by factors of education, work ethic and age. This study aims to analyze the influence of educational factors, work ethic and age on the quality of life of women. This research takes place in three locations in Bongkasa Village, Bongkasa Pertiwi Village and Sangeh Village, Badung Regency. Utilizing both primary and secondary data collected from 98 samples and some techniques analyzes this study finds that the factors of education, work ethic, and age simultaneously influence the quality of life of women in the three villages in Abiansemal District, Badung Regency. Education and work ethic partially have a positive and significant effect on the quality of life of women. Meanwhile, age does not affect the quality of life of women in the villages of Bongkasa, Bongkasa Pertiwi, and Sangeh, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency.
JournalPic AWandPDA.png
This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of the level of education, investment and economic growth on poverty conditions in Karangasem Regency. This area was chosen as the research location because Karangasem Regency still has a relatively higher percentage of poverty level compared to the rest ofeight districts in Bali Province. The study uses a non-participant observation approach utilizing secondary data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Karangasem Regency.To analyze the collected data, this study uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the level of education, investment and economic growth simultaneously had a significant effect on poverty conditions in Karangasem district. Each of the dependent variabel – the level of education, investment and economic growth -- hasnegative and significant effect on poverty conditions in Karangasem district. The variable that has a dominant influence on poverty conditions in Karangasem district is the investment variable.
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