Putu Ayu Sani Utami

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In English

Dr. Ns. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom is a lecturer in the Nursing and Ners Profession Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana. Her area of expertise is gerontic nursing which focuses on elderly health care, community empowerment, family self-care, Long-term care, rehabilitation, social work and capacity building. Aside from being a lecturer, she is also involved as a clinical instructor, conducting researchs, scientific publications, community services, student creativity programs and developing health education media related to the elderly healthcare. Her area of research is related to the promotion of elderly health, Long-term care and community empowerment.

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In Indonesian

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The elderly is vulnerable to hypertension due to the accumulation of unhealthy lifestyles for a long time and can be exacerbated by the stress due to the inability to adapt to the decline in physical conditions, changes in roles and social relations, economic ability, degenerative diseases and treatment in the long term. Risk factors for hypertension can caused by stress. Stress management can be done with a combination of creative arts therapy that is singing, drawing, and storytelling which has a relaxing effect. This study aims to determine the effect of creative arts therapy on stress levels and blood pressure of the elderly with hypertension in Kesiman Kertalangu Village, East Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia. This research was a quasi-experiment with pre - test and post - test design. Samples used were 63 elderly with hypertension who experience mild and moderate stress using simple random sampling technique divided into three groups of treatment with the amount 21 elderly of each groups. Stress level of hypertension were evaluated using The Stress Assessment Questionnaire and blood pressure measurement using manometer. The main results of this study indicated that creative art therapy can reduce stress of the elderly significantly with p value 0.000<0.05. An average of blood pressure in creative art therapy has decrease d. Wilcoxon test results showed the p value of blood pressure (sistole;diastole) for singing (0.002;0.014), storytelling (0.009;0.008) and drawing (0.016;0.011) <0.05 which means that there is an effect of those therapy on elderly blood pressure. The results of the Ancova analysis showed no difference in blood pressure results after each intervention was given to the elderly (p value 0.244>0.05 for systole dan p value 0.738>0.05 for diastole). That means that each intervention has a similar effect on reducing blood pressure. Creative arts therapy provides a relaxing effect while performing art activities so that feeling calms down and stimulates the healing process. Further research with a larger population needs to be done to increase public awareness of the benefits of creative art therapy to reduce stress and blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension.
Aim: Stress in the elderly are feeling depressed, anxious, and tense caused by stressors such as physical, mental, and social changes that affects their emotional status and cause diseases. Stress management in elderly can be done by reminiscence therapy that use memory of the past to maintain elderly’s mental health. This study aims to determine the effect of reminiscence therapy to stress on elderly Method: The design of this research was quasi-experimental using nonequivalent control group design. The samples consisted of 34 elderly were selected by purposive sampling, divided into 17 elderly in treatment group and 17 elderly in control group, and data collection was done using the Stress Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). Result: Test analysis result of Independent Sample T-Test with a significance level of 95% was concluded there are significant effect of reminiscence therapy to stress in the elderly. Conclusion: Activities by recalled memories of the past can help elderly people to interact and express their feeling to family and friends so that the elderly are able to adapt to stress.
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